त्रिविद्धारा स्नातक तहका सबै संकायको परीक्षा तालिका रुटीन प्रकाशित

 त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयले स्नातक तहका सबै संकायको परीक्षा तालिका रुटीन प्रकाशित गरेको छ । 

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 परीक्षा समय दिवाः १ः०० बजेदेखि ४ः०० बजे सम्म ।

DateSubjects/Code No.
2078-01-05Chemistry -201
2078-01-06Applied Statistics
2078-01-10Geology-201/ Metrology-201
2078-01-19Env. Sci. -201

3 Yrs B.Sc.  2nd Year

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परीक्षा समय दिवाः १ः०० बजेदेखि ४ः०० बजे सम्म ।

DD DateSubjects/Code No.
2078-01-05Chemistry -321
2078-01-06Math. -321/ Zoology-321
2078-01-07Botany-321/ Metrology-321
2078-01-09Math. -322/Stat.-322
2078-01-10Geology -321/Comp. Sci. -321/Env.Sci.-321
2078-01-12Stat.- 321

4Yrs B.B.S.  2nd Year
परीक्षा समय विहानः ७ः०० बजेदेखि १०ः०० बजे सम्म ।

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Date Subjects/Code No.
2078-01-05  Cost & Management Accounting MGT.-212
2078-01-07Business Communication MGT.-205
2078-01-09Macro Economics MGT. -206
2078-01-10Fundamental of Marketing MGT. -214
2078-01-12Foundations of Human Resource MGT. -216

3 Yrs B.B.S.  2nd Year
परीक्षा समय विहानः ७ः०० बजेदेखि १०ः०० बजे सम्म ।

DateSubjects/Code No.
2078-01-05 Accounting For Financial Analysis & Planning-211
2078-01-07Fundamental of Marketing-214
2078-01-09Foundations of Human Resource Mgmt. -216
2078-01-12Fundamentals of Financial Management-215/Legal Environment of Business-204
2078-01-14Business Law-204/Business Finance-215

4 Yrs B.Ed.  2nd Year

परीक्षा समय विहानः ७ः०० बजेदेखि १०ः०० बजे सम्म ।

DateSubjects/Code No.
2078-01-05 Educational Psychology Ed. -421
2078-01-12Eng.Ed./Nep.Ed./Math.Ed./Sc.Ed./Hp.Ed./Pop.Ed./Geo.Ed./Hist.Ed./Eco.Ed./Pol.Sc.Ed./Ed.Pm./ So.St.Ed.- 424
2078-01-14Eng.Ed./Nep.Ed./Math.Ed./Sc.Ed.-Animal Science_ /H.Ed./Pop.Ed./Geo.Ed./Hist.Ed./Eco.Ed./Pol.Sc.Ed./Ed.Pm./ So.St.Ed. -428/ P. Ed.-426
2078-01-16  Science.Ed. -Plant Science_-427

3 Yrs B.Ed.  2nd Year

परीक्षा समय विहानः ७ः०० बजेदेखि १०ः०० बजे सम्म ।

DateSubjects/Code No.
2078-01-05New Course M Educational Psychology MEd.-313Old CourseM Specialization iv Nepali/Math/Economics/History/Pol.Sc./HPED/Science iv /-Bio_,Animal Science,Plant Science/Pop.Ed.-304/Ed.Mgmt.-301-Edu.Administration_/English Ed.-390/-ELT Theories & Methods_/P.Ed.-390/ -Teaching Nepali,Teaching English _
2078-01-06Old CourseM Curriculum & Evaluation Ed. -303New CourseM Eco.Ed.-Economics of Development and Education/Eng.Ed-Expanding Horizon in English/Ed.Mgmt.-Educational Supervision/Hp.Ed.-Sport Science & Games/Hist Ed.-History of Modern Europe/Math Ed.-Real Analysis/g]kfnL lz=-g]kfnL sljtf / sfJo _/Pol.Sc.Ed.-International Politics and Enviornmental Relations/Pop.Ed.-Population & Enviornmental Education /Sc.Ed.Biology ii / Comp.Sc.Ed.-ICT.Ed._ Communication cyber law -322
2078-01-07New CourseM dd Curriculum & Evaluation Ed.-314Old Course Specializatio iii Eng./Nep./Math/Sci./Eco./Geo./Hist./Pol.Sc./H.P.E./Pop.Ed./Ped.Mgmt.-Material & Methods_-303Ed.Mgmt.-313-Education Dev.in Nepal_
2078-01-08Old CourseM Educational Psychology Ed.-302New CourseM Eco.Ed.-Government Finance,Financial Sys.& Int. Trade/Eng.Ed.-English for Communication/Ed.Mgmt-Education Administration/Geo.Ed.-Geography of Asia and Nepal/Hp.Ed.-Fundametals of Public Health/Hist Ed.-History of Modern India/Math Ed.-Geometry/ -g]kfnL lz=-g]kfnL syff / pkGof;_/Pol.Sc.Ed.- Government and Politics of Nepal/Pop.Ed.-Community and Reproductive Health/Comp.Sc.Ed. -ICT.Ed._-MIS,Data Structure and Recent Technologies/Sc.Ed.-PhysicsMi-321
2078-01-09New & Old CourseM NF.Ed.-301,321/ECD.Ed.-301,321
2078-01-10New & Old CourseM Bus.and govt.account/Ind.Ed.-303
2078-01-12New Course MEd.Mgmt.-323 Development Education in NepalOld CourseM Specialization vi Nepali/Math/Science/Economics/Geography/History/Pol.Sc./HPE./Pop.Ed.-390/Eng.Ed.-391-ELT_/PED-390-Social Studies Teaching Math in Primary Education_/Ed.Mgmt.-302-Ed.Supervision_
2078-01-13New CourseM Eco.Ed.-Methods of Teaching Economics Eng./Nep./Math/Sci./Eco./Geo./Hist./Pol.Sc./H.P.E./Pop.Ed./Ped.Mgmt.-Material & Methods_-303Ed.-313-Education Dev.in Nepal_Eng.Ed.-English Language Teaching Methods/Geo.Ed.-Methods of Teaching Geography/HP.Ed.-Teaching Health and Physical Education and School Health Program/Hist.Ed.-Methods of Teaching History/Math Ed.-Teaching Mathmatics/-g]kfnL lz=-g]kfnL efiff lzIf0f_/ Pol.Sc.Ed.- Methods of Taching Political Science_/Pop.Ed. -Methods of Teaching Population Education/ Sc.Ed.- Methods of Teaching Science at Secondary School/Comp.Sc.Ed.-Teaching ICT and Object Oriented Programing & Database -391
2078-01-14New & Old CourseM Business Edu./Ind.Edu.-390
2078-01-15New & Old CourseM NF.Ed.-302,322,/ECD.Ed.-302,322
2078-01-16New & Old CourseM Business Mgmt./Ind. Edu. -304

परीक्षा समय दिवाः १ः०० बजेदेखि ४ः०० बजे सम्म ।

3 Yrs B. A.  2nd Year

DateSubjects/Code No.
2078-01-05C. English-202
2078-01-06Math.-321/ Pol. Science / Home science -302,312/ F.S.Act /Dir/ MPP/Adu/ Ed.-310,320
2078-01-07History/Culture/Geography/ Buddhist Studies/ Linguistics-302,312
2078-01-08SO.-402/SOAN-302,312/AN.-312/Social Work/Philosophy-302,312/Technical Theory -PTG_/SCLUP)-402, 316,317/ Music-315,404
2078-01-09Pol. Sc./H. Science-303,313Ö Math/Stat.-322
2078-01-10Nepali/English/Hindi/Sanskrit/ Nepal Bhasa/Maithili-302,312
2078-01-12 Stat-321/Dance-312
2078-01-13Economics/Dance/Music/ Journalism/Psychology/Rural Development/Pop. Studies-302,312/ History of Fine Art/Aesthetic -315,316,401
2078-01-14 History/Culture/Geography/ Buddhist Studies/ Linguistic -303,313 /F. S.-306,316 (Culture)
2078-01-15Nepali/English/Hindi/Sanskrit/Nepali Bhasa/Maithili -303,313
2078-01-16SO.-403/SOAN.-303,313/AN.-313/Sociol Work Phylosophy-303,313/F.S. Sociology/Anthropology -307,317
2078-01-17 Economics/Dance/Music/Journalism/Psychology/Rural Development/Pop. Studies-303,313/ Music -402,316/Folk  Music & Culture/ F. S. (Psychology)-308,318
प्रकाशित :२०७७ चैत्र ३, मंगलवार १२:४१

यो खबर पढेर तपाईलाई कस्तो महसुस भयो ?











